Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Two Pictures

These are two quick pictures. The top picture is the bus that I drive in the summer. It's 60 feet long. The other picture is from a boat in Seward, Alaska. Is it okay to ever have illegal drugs?

I feel like I derseve a break

I took three tests this week and had another one last Friday. I'm all tuckered out. At the very least I didn't have to work yet this week (that said I'm sure I'll get a call tomorrow morning at 6 saying that they desparately need a driver). So is life I suppose.

By the way last week I got to drive a field trip for an elementary school. How many third graders do you think go cram into a school bus? If you guessed more than 100 you are correct. Did having to drive 100 screaming kids again remind me that I never want to have kids (yes, yes it did). Seriously whose idea is it to not have enough space for everyone on a field trip. Other than the fact that I kids I enjoy my job as there seriously are some funny things that can happen. Last week I got a note that was like:

Dear Mr. Bus Driver,

My son Micheal has my perrmission to go of the bus with his friend Jason.

Micheal's Mom

(Note the works were misspelled on purpose.)

This note also looked like it was written by a little kid. When I asked the kid about it he told me his mom really wrote it. Right and I'm Santa Claus. It was funny.